Year: 2003
Released on : 2003-02-07
Rating: N/A
IMDB Score: N/A
MPAA Rating is: PG-13
Duration: 114 minutes.
Movie Synopsis:
Movie casts:
- Jackie Chan (Chon Wang)
- Owen Wilson (Roy O'Bannon)
- Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Charlie)
- Tom Fisher (Artie Doyle)
- Aidan Gillen (Lord Rathbone)
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Movie Trailer:
Pictures from Movie:

Shanghai Knights - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies Movie Trailers ... Shanghai Knights (2003) David Dobkin goes British with Shanghai Knights.105 minutes of adventure, action, and comedy sums up this picture. On top of that, it does all three without fail. : Shanghai Knights: Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson, Donnie ... Shanghai Knights (2003) Find Shanghai Knights at Movies & TV, home of thousands of titles on DVD and Blu-ray. Shanghai Knights - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Shanghai Knights (2003) Shanghai Knights is a 2003 action-comedy film. It is the sequel to Shanghai Noon. It was directed by David Dobkin and written by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar. Watch Full "Shanghai Knights (2003)" Movie Online - Page 1 ... Shanghai Knights (2003) Watch full "Shanghai Knights" movie produced in 2003. Genres are Comedy, Action, Western, Adventure. Shanghai Knights (2003) - Box Office Mojo Shanghai Knights (2003) Shanghai Knights summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. Shanghai Knights (2003) - IMDb Shanghai Knights (2003) Plot summary, trailer, cast and crew information, and user comments. Shanghai Noon / Shanghai Knights Blu-ray Shanghai Knights (2003) Shanghai Noon / Shanghai Knights Blu-ray (2 Movie Collection) (2000-2003): Acrobatic Chinese Imperial Guard Chon Wang comes to the Wild West to rescue beautiful ... Subscene - Subtitles for Shanghai Knights Shanghai Knights (2003) Fixed: Unneeded spaces, Bridge small gaps in duration, Lines balanced, HTML tags, Names, OCR, Overlapping, Short display-time, Missing quote("), Missing period at end ... Shanghai Knights [2003] - YouTube Shanghai Knights (2003) Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MoviesJustForYou123 's video to your playlist. Shanghai Knights 2003 Full Movie Jackie chan - YouTube Shanghai Knights (2003) Shanghai Knights 2003 Full movie Jackie chan. activism, advertising, alcohol, alternative-news, ancient-history, animals, animation, anime, architecture ...
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