Year: 1994
Released on : 1994-11-23
Rating: N/A
IMDB Score: N/A
MPAA Rating is: PG-13
Duration: 110 minutes.
Movie Synopsis:
Movie casts:
- Arnold Schwarzenegger (Dr. Alexander Hesse)
- Danny DeVito (Dr. Larry Arbogast)
- Emma Thompson (Dr. Diana Reddin)
- Frank Langella (Noah Banes)
- Pamela Reed (Angela)
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Movie Trailer:
Pictures from Movie:

The World of Junior Hockey Junior (1994) A Blog About Junior, College, Midget, and High School Hockey. It will also include major international junior events. Also News on NHL Prospects/Draft Eligible Players. Ken Griffey Statistics and History - Baseball-Reference Junior (1994) Career: 630 HR (6th), .284 BA, 1836 RBI (15th), CF, 1997 AL MVP, 13xAllStar, 10xGG, Mariners/Reds/... 1989-2010, b:L/t:L, 4x HR Leader, born in Unite. 1969, 'Junior' Junior (1994) - IMDb Junior (1994) Directed by Ivan Reitman. With Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, Emma Thompson, Frank Langella. As part of a fertility research project, a male scientist agrees to ... Junior Seau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Junior (1994) Tiaina Baul "Junior" Seau Jr. (January 19, 1969 May 2, 2012) was a linebacker in the National Football League (NFL). Known for his passionate playing style, he ...
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